Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Waterless toilets.

Let that one just hang there for a while. In theory using less water is a good idea, but composting one's own feces in a box within a structure is a bit of a trade-off. Open-field defecation may actually be more palatable.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


As a father of four, you may be surprised to learn that I am somewhat petrified of barf. Greatly fear doing it myself, abhor the thought of it, don't really even like jokes about it. 

So today, much to my chagrin, I was full-scale barfed on by my middle daughter (27 months old). The poor thing was running a fever and we had just gotten out of the car. As I was carrying her into the house, she unloaded all over my shirt and pants. And to be fair, all over herself. 

I started to wonder if I am perhaps lucky for going so long as a father without this happening before. Sure, when infants, the kids have crapped, spit-up, drooled and peed on me. For some reason, that didn't really bother me. The horror of looking down and seeing recognizable food items on my shirt was not exactly the best part of my day. 

After getting the sickly little girl inside, I cleaned her up, read her some stories and rocked her to sleep. I have checked on her about 4 times since she went to sleep and all seems well. Here is to her speedy recovery.

Monday, July 14, 2008

I made the Graphjam Blog

Problem is they screwed up the axes of my graph, which makes it not nearly as funny. It was supposed to go from 1 to 5 and 5 to 1, respectively, for men and women. Cutting of the last bit definitely hurts the impact. Oh well.

Go to the voting pages to vote for my graph if you want it to make the main site. If not, just go straight to hell.

more song chart memes