Monday, September 08, 2008


1) Jessa: I saw that dear, mommy!
Dorann: What it a boy dear or a girl dear
Jessa: A boy dear
Dorann: How did you know it was a boy dear?
Jessa: Because it had knees.

2) Doug: This is the song mommy and daddy danced to at their wedding.
Eliana: I didn't get to see that.
Doug: But you have seen the video of it.
Eliana: But I wasn't here yet. I was with Mr. God.

3) Zev: Daddy, mommy is pretty!
Doug: You should go tell mommy that.
Zev: Mommy, you're pretty (hugs and kisses)
Dorann: *speechless*

4) Jessa and Eliana brush Davica's hair.
Davica: smiles
Zev tickles her feet.
Davica: smiles
Jessa brings her a toy
Davica: smiles

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