Thursday, November 20, 2008

Funny Kid Stuff


Eliana was sleeping in our bed and I went to move her to her own. She was completely dead to the world. As I picked her up, still dreaming, she started moving her hand as if it was swinging from the elbow (think Rodney Dangerfield after the ball struck him in Caddyshack), the said:

One little idee idee with the hand...a-cat-a-DOO-la!

The voice she used was weird too. As if she had just inhaled helium. She then was real quiet and passed a huge gas. So, I am not sure what my kid dreams about, but it seems quite whack.


After dropping Jessa off at daycare this week, Dorann realized she had forgotten to sign her and Zev in. She went back to the room to sign them in and Jessa was very pleased to see her. She says, "Mommy, you came back!"

Dorann: Yes, I did, Jessa. Mommy forgot to sign you in.

Jessa: (small pause) Mommy, you're so funny.


Zev was such a helpful guy this week. I had made bagels for the big 3 to eat while we got ready in the morning. Zev was happy to be the delivery boy for his sisters. He brings their bagels up the stairs and gives them to Eliana and Jessa with a "Here you go!" and provides "You're welcome!" in response to their thank yous.

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