Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Team Work

Team work is a concept that lots of folks talk about and few actually believe. At my current employer, I find that teamwork is not rewarded. Individuals are rewarded for achievements even though their achievements are often due to contributions from many other people. I happen to get a bonus when the company does well financially, but the people who I depend on to finish projects, make new products, and help out from time to time do not get such bonuses. So when it comes down to it, they have no incentive to help me finish projects that increase revenue because it is not going to affect their bottom line. Since the company eliminated end of the year bonuses a few years ago, there is not even a sliver of an incentive in place other than vague threats to replace people.

Another nice concept at play is what I refer to as "when the going gets tough, get mean as hell" management. I am driven to do my job in the same manner whether times are good or whether times are bad. When times are good, management leaves me alone and asks few questions about what is going on. When times get bad, all of a sudden I have to answer picayune questions regarding every decision that I make. Not only is this demoralizing, but it is a waste of time. Time that could be spent doing my job, is instead spent answering worthless questions. The same level of work that was outstanding a few weeks ago, is now "unacceptable".

Needless to say, this leaves very little incentive to do more than look for a new job. Please keep a good thought out for me as I try to extricate myself from this employment hell-hole.

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