Monday, October 31, 2005

Fall Soccer Game 10/31

Good effort, results in defeat. The recurring theme that seems to be played over and over again in this space. Since this is a recreational league and since everyone involved does not have professional aspirations, and since we all need the exercise, I cannot be upset with what happens on the field. So, with that being said, here is what transpired:

Today we played the red team, which just so happened to be the light gray team that we tied 2-2 last season in a game marred by cheap shots and overly physical play. While they still have certain personalities on that team that take away some enjoyment from the game, today's game was much better than last season's game.

Prior to the start of the game, Bill and I had a Rochambeau to determine who would start in goal. I lost, I started, we defended the grosser of the two goal areas (lots of mud and standing water). In the first half, Red controlled most of the action. Damian, Kerry and Gail made some great defensive plays to keep the scoring to a minimum. They scored on what I considered to be two unsavable shots to the far post. We scored on a long free kick from Peter that fooled the opposing keeper. There were lots of good passing plays from Bill, Jon, Greg, Brian Sklar, and Lisa. Halftime score: Red 2- Mocha 1.

The second half saw a change in fortune as far a game possession. Mocha had the better run of play to start the half. We even drew a penalty kick when I was taken down in the box on a breakaway. Unfortunately, we could not convert. Helen, Ken and the rest of the defense kept the score close until the end and Marie had some dangerous opportunities up front. Bill had a superb half in goal and only surrendered a very late goal that he had no chance of stopping. It was a beautiful day with a great temperature for playing. Final Score: Red 3 - Mocha 1.

I think we only have one more game left in the regular season, so hopefully, we can finish on a high note!

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