Friday, October 14, 2005

Yom Kippur

It is known as the Day of Atonement. One is supposed to afflict one's soul and search your conscience for t'shuvah, repentance.

This past Yom Kippur seemed more meaningful for me and I am not sure why. Maybe it was the fact that so much is going on in my life that is good, but I was not dreading the 25-hour fast like I normally do. The one thought I had this year was of joy. In biblical times, Yom Kippur was considered to be one of the happiest days of the year. The entire nation was excited that Yom Kippur would come and their sins would be forgiven (provided appropriate repentance had been completed). So what was the difference this year as compared to recent years?

I think we all can have a tendency to focus on what is not right in our lives at the expense of that is right. If I were to make a list of the good and bad in my life it would look like this:

Good - family life, great daughter, excitement at upcoming twins, good and supportive friends, excellent house, great yard, incredible neighbors and neighborhood,overall good weather in this part of the country.

Bad - Job sucks ass, driving in region is fraught with peril.

Out of the two bad things on my list only the first is something I can even try to change and I am working on it. Hopefully, perserverence will pay off and that situation will improve. Until then, I will make an effort to keep better perspective and not let the few bad things cloud my outlook. Every day is a gift and it is truly great to be alive in the USA. Opportunity is out there and one day, I look forward to posting what my next opportunity will be.


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