Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bowl Results volume 2

(9) Boise St 16
*(11) TCU 17

I was a bit concerned about this game after BYU got so thoroughly dominated the other night by the crap-ola Arizona (you should know that Stoops has parlayed his first winning season and crappy bowl victory into a 3 year contract extension. Dick Tome must be dying inside to see what has become of the once strong program he built.). Anyhoo, TCU proved that the MWC is indded strong with a really good defensive performance even though their offense tried like hell to give the game away.


Fatter Tuna (Sorry, Charlie) is going to call the plays in Hawaii. Seeing as how the Rainbow Warriors (I know it is really just warriors, but the gay imagery is just to funny to conjure up here) can play some 'D', I expect ND to complete their second straight losing season.

Many ND apologists keep making excuses for Weis by saying that he is loading up ND with talent. My guess is that most recruiting services are rating players ND recruits higher just because they are recruited by ND. There are many stories you can find through the blogosphere that suggest this is true. I wouldn't be surprised to learn someday that there is a backdoor deal Weis has with Lemming just to keep his recruiting numbers high.

Personally, I could care less if ND keeps him or fies him. It affects me very little. They can waste their money on that bloated windbag as the rest of America just laughs. My bigger concern is that they might one day hire someone who actually has a clue how to recruit and coach football.

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