Friday, May 13, 2005

Glazer to Acquire Manchester United

I have been following the attempts of Tampa Bay Buccaneers owner Malcolm Glazer to purchase the English football team Manchester United. It now appears that he is close to completing the deal.

The kind of resistance he has met seems absurdly discriminatory. No one freaked out when the Russian billionaire Abramovich
purchased Chelsea. All he did was spend a load of cash and viola, they are the league champs this year. I think the ManU fans are mainly opposed to an American owning their beloved team.

Some of the statements from their fans have been utterly ridiculous. "He will sell the stadium!" "He will run the club into debt!" Quite to the contrary, he will probably look to spend money on better players and coaches to make the team more profitable. Before he owned the Buccaneers, they were the laughing stock of the NFL. Since then, they have become competitive and even won a Super Bowl for the first time in their history. He isn't buying the team to sell the stadium. He is buying the team to make money and the way to make money is to have them win. He will continue to spend like ManU always has.

That being said, since I am an Arsenal fan, I hope he fires that fat bastard Sir Alex Ferguson and hires Grudin.

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