Friday, May 13, 2005

UPS junk mail

I just received some junk mail from Verizon today via UPS. While I did actually read the header of said junk mail since it was a UPS letter, it seems a tad excessive to market using them instead of regular mail, TV, or radio.

I have had a grudge against Verizon for the past 5 years since they screwed me over on a connection charge they said they would waive and did not. Now they have built a new fiber optic system and plan to have cable TV service, high speed internet, as well as phone service. Their cell phone customer service was among the worst I had ever encountered. I have to wonder how they feel they can provide adequate customer service for a whole new set of products, when they do not adequately service the products they currently have?

Personally, it will be a long time before you see me sign up for their new services.

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