Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener and Costco

I finally got to use my new sharpening tool and it worked really well. Along with some other minor maintenance on the mower (e.g. cleaning out the muck of 3+ years), the machine now works like a charm. It was clearly working better than before and my lovely Bride even commented that the cutting looked "cleaner" than the last time I mowed. This wasn't enough to cause me to break into song or even pull a Victor Kiam (think back to those old Remington Electric Shaver ads), but it made me quite proud.

On a related note, I purchased a new tool while at Costco last night: a 13 foot extended branch trimmer. It got me thinking about how incredibly weird a store Costco is. It is one of the few stores that you can impulsively purchase hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise and still feel like you are saving money. I rank them right up there with the Disney corporation in their ability to separate you from your hard-earned cash.

Here is the way my trip last night transpired:

While picking up the tiny one, the daycare informed us that we were running low on diapers and wipes. Since Costco sells these items in quantities that make you feel like having triplets could be a feasible option and at a reasonably good price, I decide to make the trip after the baby is put to bed. Stated purpose of the trip: purchase diapers and wipes.

The Bride was suffering from a cold and going through tissues at an alarming rate so I decide on the way there to also pick up a gross of tissues. Impulse rating (1 through 10 with 10 being the most impulsive): 3.

Picked up a case of Gatorade bottles to support the Bride in her efforts to stay hydrated while sick. Impulse rating: 2 (just means I am thoughtful).

Realized I was running out of frozen waffles after picking up the tissues. While crossing the store, I see the 13 foot extending trimming tool. The Bride and I had been talking about trimming our Crepe Myrtle so I pick up this item and add it to the cart. Impulse rating: 7. Continue on after getting the trimmer and get the waffles. Impulse rating: 4 (we had noted over the weekend that we were running low and I eat them, so back off!).

On the way over to the diaper/wipes area, I see the socks area. Knowing that the Bride has been coveting new socks, I decide to check and see if the have any dark-colored women's dress socks. They don't. But they do have a rather impressive selection of men's slacks. I need a pair of tan slacks, so I look and there is a pair of Tommy Hilfiger slacks in my size. Into the cart they go. They also have tan men's dress socks there. One pack to go with the pants. Impulse rating: 8.

Finally reach the diapers. Two giant boxes of diapers and two boxes of wipes. The wee one will have a clean tushy for the foreseeable future. Impulse rating: 1. Since it was the stated purpose of the trip, it cannot be an impulse. Time to head to the checkout lines.

One the way there, I pass the multi-vitamins. I remember that I ran out of vitamins last week. I grab a bottle of Flintstones with roughly enough vitamins to keep Secretariat in good health for about 1 year. "Flintstones?" you may ask. I hate taking vitamins and since they taste good, I remember. Impulse rating: 7.

So, my simple errand to buy diapers and wipes turned into a $255 shopping adventure. You have to give Costco credit: Where else can you buy bulk baby supplies, decent men's fashion, lawn and garden tools, frozen food and health supplies all at once?

Perhaps the most alarming thing about this trip is that I realized the next morning that I have almost finished my industrial drum of Listerine. This means I will have to go back in about 1 or 2 weeks....

If you are still wondering what the heck I meant with the Victor Kiam reference earlier, here is a link that removes all the suspense.

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